Kate Ivey Fitness has the goal of helping busy Kiwi women to lead positive, healthy, fitness filled lives. Kate has integrated AngusPure beef into her daily life as she knows the nutritional benefits it has for her whole family. We are very proud to have such an inspiring young Kiwi woman representing our product.
"I am proud to announce that I am an Ambassador for AngusPure. AngusPure is high quality grass fed beef – it is healthy, tasty and convenient!
AngusPure is a great healthy option, as it is much lower in total fat and saturated fat than grain fed beef. It also contains Omega 3, is a fantastic protein source and it is full of vitamins and minerals.
It tastes amazing (trust me!) and you can order online, with it landing vacuum packed and chilled on your doorstep in just a few days!
This is very exciting because one of my goals is to help you to make the best choices possible within your busy lifestyle."
To find out more about Kate Ivey Fitness go to: