AngusPure beef captures the natural goodness of its environment. The most important links in the AngusPure chain of creation, are our producers. The Kiwi farmers who grow AngusPure beef are the guardians of our supply chain.

Both socially responsible and environmentally friendly, our farmers are doing their utmost to grow the finest pastures, ensuring you are delivered pure, grass fed, quality beef.

Their animals, both the cattle and their working dogs, are cared for with unfaltering attention.

All our AngusPure producers have agreed to never use growth promotants or hormones in the farming of their Angus cattle.  Quality is guaranteed by the most stringent standards, which must be upheld.

We'd like to thank all our AngusPure producers.  Your hard work and dedication to quality has helped us in the task of taking this premium beef product to the world stage.

Thank you


Our vision is to create an ‘AngusPure Moment’.  A moment in time when anyone, anywhere in the world, is able to share in a moment of synergy. A moment created by the finest grass-fed beef eating experience.

So in light of this, we have partnered with 90 Angus studs.  These are a sample of New Zealand's finest. By using quality genetics and implementing best management practice, we will forge this AngusPure moment.

Abbotsford - Atahua - Aywon - BeefGen - Benatrade - Black Bear - Black Ridge - Blacknight - Bos - Cleardale - Dandaleith - Dandaloo - Earnscleugh - Elgin - Erewhon - Fernvale Genetics - Floridale - Focus Genetics - Gembrooke - Glenwood - Hallmark - Heather Dell - High Valley - Hillcroft - Hingaia - Kahurangi - Kakahu - Kaiwara - Kauri Downs - KayJay - Kiwikawa - Komako - Lake Farm Genetics - Leefield Station - Lomond - Mangaotea - Martin Farming - Matai Mara - Matapara - Matauri - Merchiston - Motere - Mount Linton - Mt Possession - Ngāputahi - Nicks Head - Okaka - Okiwi - Oranga - Oregon - Otoka - Parakau - Penvose - Peters - Pine Park - Puke-Nui - Ranui - Rissington - Rockley - Rotowai - Ruaview - Seven Hills - Shian - Stern - Stokman - Storth Oaks - Sudeley - Tahu Ruanui - Takapoto - Tapiri - Tawa Hills - Te Atarangi - Te Kupe - Te Mania - Te Whanga - The Wolds - Totaranui - Tuawhiti - Twin Oaks - Umbrella Range - Vermont - Village Farm - Wairere - Waitangi - Waiterenui - Waiwhero - Wakare - Westfield - Whangara - Woodbank


All products derive from an Angus New Zealand registered or performance recorded sire.

• AngusPure adheres to the New Zealand Beef & Lamb Quality Mark standards.

• Full traceability throughout the supply chain with AngusPure Source & Trace ear tags.

• No hormone growth promotants, ever.

• No antibiotics.

• Only heifers or steers.

• Stictly grass fed and finished.

• Processed at an approved plant.

• Low PH levels.

• Aged for a minimum of 21 days.


In an imperfect world, AngusPure is a product in perfect order. Nothing is left to chance. All our product can be traced back to the original supplier.

• Animals who are recorded under the AngusPure Source and Trace programme will have their lifetime health treatments traced, to guarantee food safety.

• A guarantee of quality and service is provided as AngusPure uses only approved distributors.